Hunt Recap 2023
A great year for hunting, a great year for camaraderie
We’ve been fortunate to offer several successful hunts and events for our veterans in 2023. Get a taste for some of the experiences we were able to provide in an effort of our overall mission - supporting those who have served by providing a gathering place to motivate and empower veterans in the outdoors.
National Veterans Hunt
National Veterans Hunt
DECEMBER 14 - December 17
Our last hunt of the 2023 calendar year sure was special! We’re thankful to every single person who is part of the Wings of Valor Lodge journey. It’s the veterans that take the time and make the effort of coming here - sharing their stories, their laughs and their friendship. It’s the volunteers that clean, cook, serve, guide and play important utility roles for our operations. It’s our donors who help keep the lights on and the experiences memorable for our veterans. And lastly, it’s our WOV team that works tirelessly to make sure we are delivering on our mission - supporting those who have served by providing a gathering place to motivate and empower veterans in the outdoors.
God bless our veterans and here is to a blessed 2024!

National Female Veterans Hunt
National Female Veterans Hunt
November 30 - December 3
This group had a great time, enjoying the camaraderie, the food, and certainly, the hunting. We are approaching the 500 mark with the number of veterans that have been our guests. Of that number, there have over 40 ladies who have served and have come to visit. It seems we are continually getting new ‘firsts’ and this weekend, we had our first General. Thanks for joining us, Myrna! Thank all of you for serving. God Bless our Veterans.

Regional Veterans Hunt
Regional Veterans Hunt
November 16 - November 19
Another great group of veterans enjoying Wings of Valor Lodge. These guys were great shooters and most had pheasant hunting experience. Great stories were exchanged and new friends were made for life. God Bless Our Veterans.

National Veterans Hunt
National Veterans Hunt
November 2 - November 4
A tight-knit group of Southeastern veterans, passionate about both football and the great outdoors, recently basked in the sunny delights of South Dakota while indulging in exhilarating pheasant hunting. The Wings of Valor Lodge played host to their camaraderie, fostering unforgettable moments. A heartfelt salute to our cherished veterans for the cherished memories they created.
God bless our veterans.

National Veterans Hunt
National Veterans Hunt
September 21 - September 24
Our first group of the year as we kick off our fourth season supporting those who have served. This group was mostly Army and has served in theaters from Vietnam to OEF.
They quickly established camaraderie and as promptly, got competitive shooting clays. It’s more about status, as the winner of ‘Annie Oakley’ gets to be first in the chow line!
This group exemplified what Wings of Valor Lodge is about, ‘veterans supporting veterans.’ God Bless America and God Bless our Veterans.

Gunning for Our Heroes
Gunning for Our Heroes
September 7
Our third annual Gunning for Our Heroes event was a great success. Thank you to all who attended and the wonderful volunteers who donated many hours to make sure we had a great event. Watch for our next event, Bourbon and Cigars on December 7th.